Enterprise Storage


Best Enterprise Storage Solutions by ITCG

In the era of exponential data growth, ITCG introduces robust Enterprise Storage Solutions, where scalability, performance, and data integrity converge to meet the evolving storage needs of businesses. Welcome to a realm where storage is not just a necessity but a strategic asset.

ITCG is the best partner in India for Enterprise Storage Solutions, collaborating with industry-leading vendors to deliver comprehensive solutions.

Key use-cases that we address along with the technologies


Cloud Storage

  • Multi-Cloud Integration
  • Data Encryption in Transit and at Rest
  • Automated Data Tiering
  • Solutions

    NAS (Network-Attached Storage)

  • Scalable NAS Architectures
  • File-Level Access Controls
  • Snapshot and Versioning
  • Solutions

    Enterprise Storage

  • Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • Automated Storage Provisioning
  • Storage Virtualization
  • Solutions

    Object Storage

  • Scalable Object Storage Clusters
  • Metadata-Driven Search and Retrieval
  • Immutable Object Storage for Data Preservation
  • Solutions

    Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI)

  • Integrated Storage and Compute Resources
  • Policy-Driven Storage Management
  • Built-In Data Deduplication and Compression
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